Hugo Configure a Site Part 3

Custom domain Github custom domain Offical instructions Go to the repository containing the site and move to the Settings panel. gabrieleteotino settings Github settings tab Scroll down to GitHub Pages section find Custom Domain and insert or modify the domain “” and click Save Github custom domain DNS configuration Open the control panel of the site registar. Open the DNS section. [Read More]

Configure a site using Hugo - part 2

Creating the bluish capsule using Hugo, Atom and Github

Structure We are going to create the following folders one for each area of the site. /content/page - static pages like About and so on /content/post - a section with articles and turorials /content/project - will contain a subfolder for each project /content/review - review of products bough online from amazon, aliexpress, … /content/note - small snippets of stuff like links to a nice library or an interesting article Create an index page for each section of the site. [Read More]

SSH Keys for Github

How to authenticate to github using SSH keys

The complete instruction on Github

Create a key in the default location without any passphrase (or add one if you like). Then add it to the ssh-agent.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Copy the key into the clipboard

cat ~/.ssh/

Go into your profile and select SSH and GPG keys, click Add SSH key, add a description and paste the key.

Configure a site using Hugo - part 1

Creating the bluish capsule using Hugo, Atom and Github

Using Hugo for this website A step by step description on how the bluish capsule was born. Installing Hugo Detailed instructions are available at the official Hugo site Download the deb package from Hugo Releases sudo dpkg -i hugo_0.36.1_Linux-64bit.deb Test if everithing works hugo version Atom Plugins Nice autocomplete for hugo shortodes language-hugo For example typing youtube and hitting tab the following snippet will be generated: \{\{< youtube id class="" >\}\} Some key combination for common Hugo activities atom-hugo [Read More]

Hello World

Hello, World! Some nice features of the Hugo Markdown rederer. Incomplete Markdown Cheatsheet Emphasis Markdown in Hugo support all the standard stuff like bold and italic. Lists Ordered item item subitem Unordered item item subitem subitem Extensions It also have some useful extension like tables… col1 col2 col3 text text text text text text text text text text text text …and syntax highlight [Read More]