Seeding data

Create the data

Generate some data using json generator.

This template will generate 5 female profiles

    Gender: 'female',
    DateOfBirth: '{{date(new Date(1950,0,1), new Date(1999, 11, 31), "YYYY-MM-dd")}}',
    KnownAs: '{{firstName("female")}}',
    Username: function(){ return this.KnownAs.toLowerCase(); },
    Created: '{{date(new Date(2017,0,1), new Date(2017, 7, 31), "YYYY-MM-dd")}}',
    LastActive: function(){return this.DateCreated; },
    Introduction: '{{lorem(1, "paragraphs")}}',
    LookingFor: '{{lorem(1, "paragraphs")}}',
    Interests: '{{lorem(1, "sentences")}}',
    City: '{{city()}}',
    Country: '{{country()}}',
    Photos: [
          url: function(num) {
          return '' + num.integer(1,99) + '.jpg';
        isMain: true,
        description: '{{lorem()}}'

Change female to male and women to men to build 5 male profiles.

Copy the data generated in a file Data/UserSeedData.json, merge the two arrays in a single one.


To seed the data we need to recalculate the salt and the hash like in AuthRepository. To avoid duplicated code we will refactor the methods to a new helper class.

Create a class Helpers/HmacHelper.cs move the two functions ComputeHashSalt and CheckPasswordHash, mark them as public static. Refactor AuthRepository to use the new class.

Seed the data

Create a new class Data/Seed.cs, add a constructor and use a DI for DatingContext.

Create a method SeedUsers.

In Startup.cs add the Seed class as a Transient in ConfigureServices.

services.AddDbContext<DatingContext>(options => options.UseSqlite(Configuration.GetConnectionString("DatingDbConnection")));

Then change the signature of Configure to inject the Seed

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, Seed seeder)
