Angular JWT

The official repository.

Note: here we are using version 2 of the library updated with compability with Angular 6. The course used v1 with Angular5.


Stop ng serve if it is running.

npm i --save @auth0/angular-jwt

Restart ng serve

Component to Service refactoring

In nav.component.ts we are currently using logout and loggedIn wrong, they are changing internal behavior of the auth.service.ts and that is not good.

The course code just fixed the loggedIn function but this class implementation really annoys me, so I will fix both of them.

Open auth.service.ts and change the visibility of userToken and add constant for the token key in local storage.

private userToken: any;

Import the jwt service helper, assign it to a class property and create loggedIn() and logout() functions.

import { JwtHelperService } from '@auth0/angular-jwt';
private readonly jwt = new JwtHelperService();
loggedIn() {
  const token: string = localStorage.getItem(LOCALSTORAGE_TOKEN_KEY);
  return token ? !this.jwt.isTokenExpired(token) : false;

logout() {
  this.userToken = null;

And in nav.component.ts use the new functions.

logout() {
  this.alertify.message('Logged out');

loggedIn() {
  const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
  return !!token;

Test login and logout features.

Decode token

Here is another place where i didn’t like the solution used by the course, so I took another route.

In auth.service.ts add a property to cache the decoded token.

private decodedToken: any;

Then a function to load from local storage, this will be called when we are in a freshly loaded page.

private loadTokenFromLocalStorage() {
  const token = localStorage.getItem(LOCALSTORAGE_TOKEN_KEY);
  if (token) {
    this.userToken = token;
    this.decodedToken = this.jwt.decodeToken(token);

Using the new function we can safely load the username from the token

getUsername() {
  if (!this.decodedToken) {

  // the token can still be null because we are not logged in
  return this.decodedToken ? this.decodedToken.unique_name : '';

In nav.component.ts

getUsername() {
  return this.authService.getUsername();

In nav.component.html

<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button"
          aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">Welcome {{ getUsername() }} <span class="caret"></span></a>

Test the application, now the username is shown in the welcome menu.

Note: the course choose to capitalize the first letter of the username, I don’t like that. A user can choose a nick name in lower case. This will be fixed when we will implement a profile page.