Complete the registration

In the SPA fix the methods used to post the registration.


Open register.component.ts and remove the old model: any property and add a user.

// model: any = {};
user: User;

Fix the register method.

register() {
  if (this.registerForm.valid) {
    this.user = Object.assign({}, this.registerForm.value);
      () => {
        this.alertify.success('registration complete');
      error => {
      () => {
        // After the registration login the user and redirect
          () => this.router.navigate(['/members'])


Open auth.service.ts and refactor the register method to accept User objects.

register(user: User) {
  return this.http
    .post(this.baseUrl + 'register', user, this.httpOptions())


Test the application. When we register a new user everything is working. There is a little problem on the default profile photo, but the registration is fine.

Fix the default photo

When a user login and he doesn’t have a default photo we have to check the assignemnt to the BehaviorSubject in auth.service.ts.

Note that we cannot leave the default value because if multiple users login from the same browser then the last valid picture is shown. For example user 1 has a picture, logout, user 2 login then in the BehaviorSubject is still present the url of user 1.

login(model: any) {
         if (this.user.profilePhotoUrl !== null) {
         }else {

loadFromLocalStorage() {
    if (this.user.profilePhotoUrl !== null) {;
    } else {;

Another problem is that when we upload a photo the server checks if it is the only photo and sets it to main. We have to check the response and set the photo.

Open photo-editor.component.ts

this.uploader.onSuccessItem = (item, response, status, headers) => {
  if (response) {
    const photo: Photo = JSON.parse(response);;
    // if this is the first photo uploaded by the user
    if (photo.isMain) {

The last problem is for other users in the member-card.component.html and in member-detail.component.html. Just add a ternary operator.

<img src="{{user.profilePhotoUrl ? user.profilePhotoUrl : '../../../assets/user.png'}}" alt="{{user.knownAs}}">
<img class="thumbnail profile-image" src="{{user.profilePhotoUrl ? user.profilePhotoUrl : '../../../assets/user.png'}}" alt="{{user.knownAs}}">


Test the application.

  • When a new user registers in the navbar and in edit profile we see the default picture
  • In the members gallery all the user that don’t have a picture have the default
  • When a user uploads the first photo the navbar and the edit profile photo are immediately updated
  • Everything works after a refresh