Main photo updated

Feature: when a new main photo is set in photo-editor.component we want the profile photo in member-edit.component to refresh with the new photo.

Emit an event

Open photo-editor.component.ts and add a new @Output property that emit a new event. Then, in the setMainPhoto subscription, we will emit the event.

@Output() mainPhotoChanged = new EventEmitter<string>();
setMainPhoto(photo: Photo) {
      () => {
        const oldMain = _.findWhere(, { isMain: true });
        oldMain.isMain = false;
        photo.isMain = true;
        this.mainPhoto = photo;
      error => {

Consume an event

Open member-edit.component.html and attach the event to a new function reloadMainPhoto.

<app-photo-editor [photos]="" (mainPhotoChanged)="reloadMainPhoto($event)"></app-photo-editor>

In member-edit.component.ts implement the new function.

reloadMainPhoto(photoUrl) {
  this.user.profilePhotoUrl = photoUrl;