Hello Page Bundle

Keeping content organized in Hugo

The Hugo documentation have a nice example on how to structure images and other resources in a page bundle.

The basic idea is to store all the content for a page in a folder where the main content is inside index.md.

A sample structure for this page.

└── content
    └── post
        └── 2018-03-02-hello-page-bundle
            ├── index.md   // <- https://example.com/post/018-03-02-hello-page-bundle/
            └── hello_my_name_is.jpg  // <- https://example.com/post/018-03-02-hello-page-bundle/hello_my_name_is.jpg

It is also possible to leave the main content page outside the bundle. This is the actual structure used.

└── content
    └── post
        ├── 2018-03-02-hello-page-bundle.md   // <- https://example.com/post/018-03-02-hello-page-bundle/
        └── 2018-03-02-hello-page-bundle
            └── hello_my_name_is.jpg  // <- https://example.com/post/018-03-02-hello-page-bundle/hello_my_name_is.jpg

And finally the bundled image.